by A. D. Pauli | Apr 18, 2016 | Between Darkness and Light, Writing
Ah, April, I love you. I love that particular shade of green that newly-unfurled leaves posses. I love that you give me warm days, but that you still provide rain so that everything stays green. You are spring fully realized, when winter is a fond memory and summer is...
by A. D. Pauli | Mar 21, 2016 | Between Darkness and Light, Reflections
I’ve always loved languages. I enjoyed my linguistics courses in college. I always dreamed of learning more languages, but I’ve never made it a priority. I suppose that makes it one of my dreamier dreams. As such, I’ve always had a great respect for...
by A. D. Pauli | Feb 22, 2016 | Between Darkness and Light, Reflections
I saw this article today: Hey, Sci-Fi And Comics Fans: It’s Time To Embrace The Dark Side And it made me think about my own experiences and stories. As I talked about in a previous post, I’m all for diverse fiction (in both the creators and the...
by A. D. Pauli | Dec 8, 2015 | Between Darkness and Light, Writing
My spouse has been reading the third draft of book two of my planned Between Darkness and Light series. Apparently the changes that I made from draft two were good, but not enough. The beginning of the book is good, but only around chapter 11 did my spouse really get...