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Life Under Construction

My life is under construction. Everyone’s life is constantly under construction, since life is change. We’re constantly building upon ourselves and our pasts to (hopefully) achieve something better or different or find a way to deal with things we’ve...

Side effects of a dead brain

I didn’t do an update for May, but I was writing. I wrote every morning before work. I wrote on the weekends. I would have liked to have written at night, but I was working long hours. Still am. Day job has erupted in scalding, frothy craziness and washed away...

Diversity in Publishing

I’ve been reading a lot lately about #WeNeedDiverseBooks and diversity in publishing in general. It seemed to be a factor in the whole Sad Puppies thing at the Hugos, and now a certain segment is freaking out about the Star Wars movie (see Chuck Wendig’s...

Welcome to my blog-type thing

I’m gonna blog sometimes. At least once a month. Sometimes more, if I’m particularly excited/incensed by something. I’ll talk about my writing, my publication journey, books I’ve read, fun stuff that happens in my life in general –...